
Showing posts from 2016

Choosing a tabletop miniature game

While traveling for work, I found myself at an unfamiliar game store (hat tip to Zombie Planet of Colonie, New York, near Albany) talking various tabletop miniature games with a new player. I thought it would be useful to have written down a quick description of the advantages and disadvantages of the various games. This is an attempt to create such a thing. Games by Games Workshop Warhammer 40k : Without question the most famous, and one of the longest-lived, games in the space. Takes place in a very distant future (that 40,000 is the year 40,000!), and it's a very depressing future. Why play 40k? Models are very detailed, and predominantly made of plastic, which is the easiest to work with. The best-developed "fluff" (backstory and background), including lots of novels, role-playing games, and a few board and card games. Why avoid 40k? Definitely the most expensive out there. Startup costs are at least $300-400, and an individual model kit can run o...

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

And now, back to what this blog is really for: pictures of miniatures! I set up all the painted Planetfall models I have on the dining room table at once so I could get some group shots. so with no further ado, here they are: the group shot The Core The Heavy Support The Recon and The Leviathan There is more to paint, of course, but this is enough to field fully painted forces in quite a few games. I have another spire painted for the recon infantry (the yellow and green guys), but I didn't include it since I haven't painted the second squad of infantry. There are two more squads of little walkers yet to paint, since the Leviathan and Core helix Hex can each take two squads, and two more sets of Core infantry, which are probably up next.