Choosing a tabletop miniature game
While traveling for work, I found myself at an unfamiliar game store (hat tip to Zombie Planet of Colonie, New York, near Albany) talking various tabletop miniature games with a new player. I thought it would be useful to have written down a quick description of the advantages and disadvantages of the various games. This is an attempt to create such a thing. Games by Games Workshop Warhammer 40k : Without question the most famous, and one of the longest-lived, games in the space. Takes place in a very distant future (that 40,000 is the year 40,000!), and it's a very depressing future. Why play 40k? Models are very detailed, and predominantly made of plastic, which is the easiest to work with. The best-developed "fluff" (backstory and background), including lots of novels, role-playing games, and a few board and card games. Why avoid 40k? Definitely the most expensive out there. Startup costs are at least $300-400, and an individual model kit can run o...