State of the Hive address... or something
Wow, apparently it's been even longer than I thought since the last time I posted anything here! Too busy painting up a storm of Planetfall mini's, I guess. Planetfall painting really deserves it's own post, which I suppose I will get to soon, but here's a teaser from the Spartan Games forums. As has been the case with my Firestorm Relthoza, I'm using an unusual technique with the Planetfall ones as well. Metallics, then a purple or blue shade over that. I like how they're coming out. Anyway, how to reconstruct Adepticon? It's been too long for clear memories, but I remember I placed in the middle of the pack. One of my two lists had a squadron of Ba'Kash heavy cruisers as well as a squadron of Relthoza heavies, and that list won both of its games. The other list was a "Wing Nuts" list with as many SRS as I could squeeze in. I think it was two carriers, normal cruisers, and some carrier frigates, That list lost both of its games, but the s...