State of the Hive address... or something

Wow, apparently it's been even longer than I thought since the last time I posted anything here! Too busy painting up a storm of Planetfall mini's, I guess. Planetfall painting really deserves it's own post, which I suppose I will get to soon, but here's a teaser from the Spartan Games forums.   As has been the case with my Firestorm Relthoza, I'm using an unusual technique with the Planetfall ones as well. Metallics, then a purple or blue shade over that. I like how they're coming out.

Anyway, how to reconstruct Adepticon? It's been too long for clear memories, but I remember I placed in the middle of the pack. One of my two lists had a squadron of Ba'Kash heavy cruisers as well as a squadron of Relthoza heavies, and that list won both of its games. The other list was a "Wing Nuts" list with as many SRS as I could squeeze in. I think it was two carriers, normal cruisers, and some carrier frigates, That list lost both of its games, but the sample size is too small to really draw any conclusions from those four data points. That or I'm unwilling to admit that Wing Nuts is not a valid strategy!

That concludes Old Business for now; on to New Business.

In just over a week, I will be going down to Battle Creek for another Firestorm Armada tournament: this time 1,200 points. That's the top of the Battle Fleet point value, so there's lots of room to fit in whatever you want. You can easily max out one, or even two, tiers. For those unfamiliar with the fleet construction of Firestorm Armada, each level of point value has a minimum and a maximum number of squads of each of three tiers. Tier 1 is the big stuff like battleships, carriers, and dreadnoughts; tier 2 includes various types of cruisers, and a few other medium sized craft like gunships; and tier 3 is frigates and corvettes. Battle fleets consist of one to three of tiers 1 and 2, and two to four of tier 3. There are also some restrictions by ship class, for example you can't run two battleships or any dreadnoughts below 801 points, but at 1,200 points, quite a few things are legal.

It's actually quite difficult to decide what to bring, partially because I haven't played all that many games at that point value, but mostly because there are so many choices! (I'm conceivably tipping my hand by posting my thoughts here, but I'm not too worried about that, for a couple of reasons. First, I play to have fun more than to win, and second I don't think very many people, particularly my likely opponents, actually read this.) A dreadnought flanked by two battleships is a distinct fleet possibility, as are three squadrons of cruisers with a heavy leading each one. While I don't have enough shunt cruisers to run two attached to each to a pair of carriers, I could give the carriers one each, which would most of the advantage of giving them two. While expensive, a carrier escorted by a pair of shunt cruisers brings 10 wings, which could be configured as two 5-wing bomber flights, and the Split Berth rule for multi-carrier squadrons gives them an extra 8 inches of range. I would have to run a 4-wing and a 5-wing since I can't bring both shunt cruisers, but that's a LOT of bombers, and the fact that they can both make attack runs in the same activation means any wing defense has to choose which one to act against. That squadron is squishy for its points, though, so it would probably have to stay cloaked much of the time, and that's an awful lot of points in guns that won't be firing effectively.

That's all for now!


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