
Showing posts from February, 2013

Circle Orboros, now presentable

I've had a fair amount of time to paint recently, so the Circle Orboros force is shaping up nicely. I have all-but-completed a starter set of Kaya the Wildborn, Feral Warpwolf, and Regular and Winter Argus; plus two Warpborn Skinwalkers and four Reeves of Orboros. The Feral and the "Summer Argus" might still need some highlights, but other than that I'm happy with everything here.  Group shot: Kaya herself: I put a lot of effort into this one since she's the boss of the army, and I hope it shows. In the blow-up picture here she doesn't look so great, but with the naked eye she looks quite good. I might try to make the eyes more distinct as it's almost invisible that I actually painted them.   The Argii, or whatever the heck the plural is of Argus. I have no idea why that Winter Argus came out looking so good, and I hope I can duplicate that feat when I get to the Pureblood Warpwolf. The Feral Warpwolf: He needs a few highligh...

Hordes minis shaping up nicely

Just a quick update now that I got a bunch of pictures off my phone. These are my first three painted models from Hordes: Circle Orboros. That's Winter Argus and two Reeves.  There are more of them in progress, but these are the first finished ones. I think this picture was taken before I painted the Argus's eyes yellow, and they don't have base rings because I haven't decided what color to make them. I'm thinking maybe a dark orange or brown? I'm also unsure of whether I need to add any pattern to the cloaks or whether screaming yellow is just fine!

Letter I haven't sent to Games Workshop (yet, anyway)

Guys, I'm worried about you. Hardly anybody plays 40k by choice anymore. Those who play it at all do so not because they want to, but because they (and by "they" I mean "we") have too much invested in the hobby to give it up. But that's not going to sustain your company forever. I thought you had come to terms with this fact when Privateer Press showed up and started taking your lunch money a few years ago, but you can't get away with treating your established customer base like an unlimited resource to be exploited. Take us for granted like this, and we will look elsewhere! Instead of attracting new players with our borderline-fanaticism over the game, we will be warning prospective players away. This is not out of vindictiveness (at least, not primarily), but about concern for our fellow hobbyists and honesty regarding how much fun the hobby is at this point. The biggest problem for me is price and game balance issues. While I realize that balancing ...