Hordes minis shaping up nicely

Just a quick update now that I got a bunch of pictures off my phone. These are my first three painted models from Hordes: Circle Orboros. That's Winter Argus and two Reeves.  There are more of them in progress, but these are the first finished ones.

I think this picture was taken before I painted the Argus's eyes yellow, and they don't have base rings because I haven't decided what color to make them. I'm thinking maybe a dark orange or brown? I'm also unsure of whether I need to add any pattern to the cloaks or whether screaming yellow is just fine!


  1. Looking great man! I really like the fall motif. I think screaming yellow is fine. Dark orange would be a good choice for the front arcs since your base foliage is pretty bring to begin with, dark orange might be a good base tone.

    More pictures!

  2. Are you going to join the BKG Warmahordes league?


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